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Stonehenge is a four movement show based on pagan holidays commonly associated with Stonehenge.
Movement I: Samhain is the beginning of the Celtic New Year on October 31. The music is dark and brooding featuring an opening clarinet / flute duet that develops into a huge opening hit sure to grab your audience's attention.
Movement II: Yule - a celebration of the Winter Solstice and layers the familiar melody of Greensleeves over infectious Pagan music from their Yule ritual.
Movement III: Ostara, or, the celebration of the Spring Equinox, brings a feeling of rebirth to the music that culminates in a powerful ending.
Movement IV: Litha - celebration of the Summer Solstice, brings our exploration of Pagan Holidays of Stonehenge full circle. An alternate ending is provided to allow bands to choose a down or up ending for their show.
Movement I: Samhain is the beginning of the Celtic New Year on October 31. The music is dark and brooding featuring an opening clarinet / flute duet that develops into a huge opening hit sure to grab your audience's attention.
Movement II: Yule - a celebration of the Winter Solstice and layers the familiar melody of Greensleeves over infectious Pagan music from their Yule ritual.
Movement III: Ostara, or, the celebration of the Spring Equinox, brings a feeling of rebirth to the music that culminates in a powerful ending.
Movement IV: Litha - celebration of the Summer Solstice, brings our exploration of Pagan Holidays of Stonehenge full circle. An alternate ending is provided to allow bands to choose a down or up ending for their show.
Movement I: Samhain
Movement II: Yule
Movement III: Ostara
Movement IV: Litha
If you would like more information on Stonehenge, please click below to fill out the contact form